Imagine. Translate. Communicate. Captivate.

Discover your new linguistic experience


Several formats, one goal


A (r)evolution in complete peace of mind


From the foundations to coaching


Our field of expertise is video games.
But form the basic file to the localisation of your app, including your website, the lab translates your ideas and projects, big or small.


Because translation and translators continue to evolve, the lab offers many levels of collaboration between the man and the machine.


Because it is important for your communication to be effective in every situation, the lab is on your side from a simple exchange to a personalised learning.

Training and coaching

Because transmission, development and sharing are our fundamental values, the lab offers training courses. 
CAT, MTPE, languages…Individual sessions, in pairs, in groups or in teams, the lab is there, at home to remotely.
Together, we will get the right formula!
"Je communique beaucoup avec ma professeure. Elle me donne confiance. En six mois, je comprends quasiment tout ce que j'écoute ! Il y a longtemps que je voulais apprendre l'italien, et professionnellement, cet apprentissage pourrait me servir à moyen terme. Je suis très content de cette formation."
Chargé d'affaires

Request a quote

Is your project already set? Click on the tabs below to contact our dedicated lab team.
For all other requests, or for any questions, please fill in our form below.

Contact us

loclab – RCS VILLEFRANCHE-TARARE – SIRET : 88147977800014 – TVA INTRA : FR29881479778
Déclaration d’activité enregistrée sous le numéro 84691720969 auprès du Préfet de la région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes